Setting up new SCAN Chapters
SCAN originated in Dunedin, New Zealand, in 2014 with a small core of members and has now expanded to over 500 members including members who do not have a Facebook account. From small beginnings, we have expanded our activities and we now have a strong cordial relationship with our local Dunedin City Council. Our SCAN committee members meet in person monthly to organise activities and core members communicate on a regular basis with each other by email.

The majority of our SCAN members are scattered throughout New Zealand and other countries and they exchange information on our SCAN Facebook page and make use of our SCAN website. These SCAN members currently do not enjoy the same benefits as that that of our Dunedin members – collegiality and sharing of experiences in person and pooling of efforts together in activities which can and do make a difference.

We all want to mitigate the impact of climate change and many of us who have retired now have the time and the experience to undertake action. There are many SCAN members who live in communities outside of Dunedin who are currently unaware of fellow SCAN members in their same community who would welcome the same benefits that we enjoy in Dunedin by setting up a SCAN Chapter with their own Facebook page. SCAN (Auckland/Tamaki-Makaurau NZ ) is one of them.

The parent body of SCAN will set up a SCAN Chapter Facebook page for members in your community. For example, current SCAN members in Wellington/Te Whanganui-a-Tara would name their Facebook page as “Seniors Climate Action Network (Wellington/Te Whanganui-a-Tara NZ)” or “SCAN (Wellington/Te Whanganui-a-Tara NZ)” for short. Members of each SCAN Chapter would be administrators of their own SCAN Chapter Facebook page and each SCAN Chapter will be able to share resources with other SCAN Chapters to make submissions to their own local councils and government.

We have a SCAN website which provides comprehensive resources, and each SCAN Chapter will be able to contribute additional content to our SCAN website with personal and community stories and additional content to our Resources section – NZ News, NZ Organisations, Recommended Books, Recommended Articles, Key Publications, Recommended Videos, Recommended Blogs, Recommended Courses, and Useful Links.

Please contact us if you would like us to set up your own SCAN Chapter Facebook page and, where possible,  we will let you know about other SCAN members who live in the same community as you who might be willing to be administrators of your SCAN Chapter Facebook page.