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3 Limits to Growth After 45 Years  - Dennis Meadows - Link 

5 transformational policies for a prosperous and sustainable world - Johan Rockstrom - Link    

Banking on the Community: Investing locally for resilience  - Link 

Berlin 2019 Reality versus Myth – Steve Keen - Link 

Climate Change & Collapse - Will Steffen - Link  

Decoupling:  A critique  - Timothee Parrique - Link

Degrowth: A realistic demand for the impossible - Timothee Parrique - Link  

Developing a self-sufficient community to meet the challenges of sustainability - Simon Michaux - Link

Earth and Humanity: Myth and Reality - Nate Hagens - Link    

Energy & Economy Series - Nate Hagens and others - Playlist Link

Energy Use an Achilles Heel for Agriculture? Exploring Net Energy Analysis - Craig Anderson - Link 

Governing for the Future: How to bring long term thinking to the short term political cycle - Jonathon Boston - Link  

Introduction to Human Evolution - Richard Smith - Link 

Keys To Building a Healthy Soil - Gabe Brown - Link 

Living the Change: Inspiring Stories for a Sustainable Future (2018) – Free Full Documentary -  Link

Loanable Funds versus Bank Originated Money & Debt - Steve Keen - Link 

Metastatic  Modernity  #1 of a series  - Tom Murphy - Link

Real' Green New Deal? Policies for a Post-Growth Economy (Ecological Civilisation – Part III) - Samuel Alexander Link 

Seed: The Untold Story - Link 

Sustainable City Living on 1/10th of an Acre - Degrowth in the Suburbs - Link  

The disarming case to act right now on climate change - Greta Thunberg - Link

The Economics of Happiness -  Link

The Lies They Tell. The Pitiful State of Environmentalism & its Neoliberalization - Clive Spash - Link 

The Many Problems of Economics - Steve Keen - Link 

The Merchants of DoubtMovie Link 

The Raw Material Challenges Facing the Energy Transition from Oil to Minerals - Simon Michaux - Link 

The Story of Climate Consensus – Johns Cook - Link 

Tomorrow: Take Concrete Steps to a Sustainable Future - Link

We're looking at Billions of People not being able to Survive'- Peter Carter - Link 

Why we need to debunk the 'deficit myth - Stephanie Kelton - BBC Link

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